About The Creators
The brisk morning air touching your face. The smell of the crisp leaves beneath your feet. The sounds of a forest waking from a night’s slumber. Standing in a cool stream waiting for the tiniest of nibbles on your line. If you are a hunter or a fisherman, these are some of the great joys of your life. Enjoying the great outdoors while hunting or fishing can be meditative and therapeutic and teach respect and appreciation of the nature around us.
Of course, hunting is a piece of American history and is vital to the conservation of nature, and in fact, hunters and fishermen are among the strongest conservationists, contributing millions each year to aid conservation efforts. Hunting and fishing helps to teach children the importance of knowing where their food comes from. Ask most children today where the get their food and they’ll say it comes from the grocery store where we get our food in neat, clean packages. Going out and getting their food directly from the woods teaches children the importance that nature holds and how vital it is to protect it and keep it healthy. But hunting is so much more than that. Hunting is a family tradition, one that has lasted for generations, and for many, a rite of passage into adulthood. Many people start hunting when they’re children and continue to hunt for the rest of their lives. Your father may proudly teach you how to hold a gun safely, how to aim and how to shoot straight, but what you’ll find yourself learning is patience, respect, and love of nature and all of the wonders that it holds. When you hunt with your family, you trade stories—you learn your family’s deep history, your grandfather’s jokes or your father’s personal stories. It’s a time of truly connecting without distraction, sharing the stories of our lives and creating new memories and strong family bonds while having an adventure in the great woods.
It was after he took his first hunter safety course at the young age of 12 and quickly got his first kill, a rabbit, that Jeff was hooked on hunting. He went on his very first deer hunt when he was 15-years-old and this is when he shot his first deer, a doe. In 1998, while hunting at his aunt’s property in Illinois, he got a 9-point buck which he had mounted and proudly displays on his living room wall to this very day. In 2006, he and his wife, Teresa, were lucky enough to find and purchase a lovely, sprawling 200-acre farm in Perryville, Missouri, where they hunt, fish and enjoy the natural world with their family. Every year they work hard to improve the deer and turkey habitat which now includes corn, clover and alfalfa fields and a one-acre pond that has been stocked with catfish, bluegills and bass. It is not only a home for Jeff, Teresa and their family, but for a vast amount of wildlife as well.
Teresa also comes from a family with a love of hunting and spent her childhood listening to hunting and fishing stories from her father and brother. In 2008, she and Jeff visited their neighbor and as he sat in his recliner, looking at a book on whitetail deer and deer hunting, the neighbor began asking them questions. Teresa was struck with an idea: Why not make a trivia game about deer hunting? She started writing questions about deer hunting and the rest is history! Their great love of the outdoors and family togetherness brought it all together and the Deadeye Hunter Trivia game series was born.